by Elfin Ancheta
We’ve read and heard success stories of companies and how their customers have pushed them beyond the boundaries of greatness. Although there is no one common formula, there is a consistent theme, that it is always about a company of PEOPLE, championing great experiences, and engaging all their customers into strengthening commitment to each other’s success.
RealPage Philippines continues to champion the Alpha Amazing Customer Experience, and in this year’s celebration of the Customer Service Week, we remain true to this commitment. With the great support from our key management team, PH Sales Operations ran a whole series of initiatives within the week for the Philippine Realpagers to enrich our skills, help improve our daily attitudes, as well as enabling us to better engage in supporting our client’s success.
Bryill Britanico of Manila Kigo Sales, who has only been with the company for less than 5 months, led the training sessions called “Reflections”, an upskill training on how to improve call handling skills. In this training, he showed participants how they can use a simple mirror and verbal nods in effectively changing their delivery of the message with the thought that what if the person they are looking at the mirror, themselves, are their customers.
PH Sales Operations with its leadership, as well as some of its key staff, gave away Fortune Cookies to all the employees because they believe that a small token of gratitude with a nice positive thoughts written in it can significantly change our outlook to our daily jobs.
Loriel Cruz of Multifamily Demand Generation – Outbound team, who recently celebrated her one year anniversary, led a talk to wonderful group of Realpagers, about the importance of customer intimacy through our daily interactions based on her years of experience as a barista in the coffee making industry. What better way to share this with them than having a hot cup o’ joe.
“We will define and deploy an AMAZING CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE that more tightly bonds our customers to the company”. This is one of our promises as RealPagers that clearly embodies our value to the continuous success of our company, customers, and most importantly to each other.