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by Abel Ungson

Traffic is one of the biggest issues that needs to be resolved by our new administration.  If I was given that task of resolving traffic, these are some of the things that I will be doing:


  • Decongest Metro Manila – Metro Manila & its streets cannot accommodate the overly increasing population and vehicles.  We need to start expanding and distribute the people in the neighboring towns & cities. The only way to do this is to build more Industrial Parks, offices and attractions in these places to generate more work for those who live in the nearby areas.  By doing so, people will no longer have to go and travel to Metro Manila for work. People who live in Manila can also opt to live in these new places.

Traffic in Baguio.

(Photo by Joseph Cheng -

  • Pasig River – The Pasig River runs from the Laguna De Bay to Manila Bay.  It is around 25 kilometers long.  With the limited roads that we have in the metro, a good idea is for us to maximize the river and create a long “Sky way” like highway on top of it.  This will help in connecting Rizal, Mandaluyong, Makati and Manila… The waters of the Pasig River should also be maximized. The existing ferry boats should be improved to encourage more people to ride it.


  • Parking = Car – 1 Car equals 1 Parking.  People who buy cars should only be allowed to purchase one if they have a parking slot on where they will park their cars.  Filipinos must not be allowed to park their cars in the “bangketa” or in the streets.


  • 15 yr old cars – higher registration/taxes – This is something that Singapore has been doing.  Higher taxes and registration fees must be imposed on people who would still like to use cars that are more than 15 years.  This will discourage people from using their old cars, those that are most likely prone to accidents & mishaps.


  • Cablecars – President Duterte already suggested this.  Since we have issues with roads, Its best that we maximize Air… This will not only serve as additional mode of transportation, it can also be an added tourist attraction.


  • Jeepneys/Buses – We need to REALLY regulate the number of Jeepneys and Buses running around the metro. In an aerial view taken a few years back, it was clear that the Buses, when they stop and “park” in the middle of EDSA to pick up a passenger easily clog the highway.  There are also a number of jeepneys and buses running around the metro with only 1-2 passengers. Another suggestion for the jeepneys and buses is to give the Drivers a fixed salary so that they can just pick up people in a bus/jeep stop and not worry if they meet a quota or not.  They do not have to wait in long queues along Megamall/Cubao just to ensure that they fill up all the seats.


  • Night Offices – I think that it is also wise to start more offices in the night time.  The BPO industry is a growing population and there are a lot of night owls in the country. We can start opening Government offices in the night time and other offices like banks, malls, service companies.  By doing so, people can do their transactions in the night time thus freeing up the Day.


  • Driver Discipline – last but not the least, we have to be a lot more strict (No lagay) on people who violate traffic rules and regulations.  One thing that really irks me and just turns me into a fighting warrior is when I see people who Counterflow… I really hate it that people cannot fall in line just like the rest, counterflows, and inconveniently cuts back into the proper lane. Heavy penalty must be imposed on them (Death Penalty).

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